Monday, 9 August 2010

22nd July 2010

21st July 2010

20th July 2010

One of the more bizarre things I have ever seen - sheep paddling in the sea!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Sunday, 1 August 2010

17th July 2010

Today sees the start of a week's holiday in Scotland, combining camping with a few nights of comfort staying in B&Bs. The weather during the drive up from Yorkshire was atrocious, driving rain and visibility so poor that we barely saw a hill, let alone a mountain until we arrived at Glen Coe, our destination for the first night. We were lucky and the rain halted long enough to pitch the tent, cook tea, and reel off a few photos. This photo is taken just yards from our tent, looking out over Loch Leven.

Looking in the other direction, across the camp site, is the pass through Glen Coe - a pretty impressive location.

And here is tea - a good one-pot camping special, chorizo risotto.